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Mein Lieblingsschuh: zum Sakko und Sport
Publicat originalment a Beetle HYDROSHIELD®
Muy buena compra
Sencillamente súper cómodas, da gusto caminar con ellas
Publicat originalment a Beetle HYDROSHIELD®
Love the classic look and so comfortable
Publicat originalment a Beetle HYDROSHIELD®
Bequem, praktisch durch die Gummisenkel und sieht sehr edel aus
Publicat originalment a Beetle HYDROSHIELD®
Bir Camper klasiği...
beetle yıllardır çeşitli versiyonlarını kullandığım bir model, klasik tarzımı yansıtıyor.
Publicat originalment a Beetle HYDROSHIELD®
ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo
ottima scarpa comoda e robusta waterproof
Publicat originalment a Beetle HYDROSHIELD®
Second pair
This is my second pair of Beetles. The last pair aren't yet expired, but I wouldn't be without them. There's a change in coating this time, and I can't tell if my feet are bigger/flatter or if the toe area is shallower, but aside from that, I'm very pleased.
Publicat originalment a Beetle HYDROSHIELD®
Et volem fer un regal
NicolaComode e calde
Scarpe molto comode anche per la camminata urbana di media lunghezza
Publicat originalment a Beetle HYDROSHIELD®