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1–8 of 174 RessenyesOrdenar per : Valoració més alta a més baixa
The sales team are great. They greet with a warm welcoming and smiles on their faces. Consistent excellent customer service. The displays look like a piece art "beautiful"unique styles and now I'm a loyal customer :)
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perfect boots
love them. they’re literally perfect
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Kwaliteit schoenen
Mooi kwaliteit schoenen met rits gemakkelijk
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Mijn man is helemaal tevreden met zijn schoenen
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Scarpa whaoooo
Bella scarpa comoda e con uno stile unico
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Made for walking
Love my boots. Super comfortable, great room to breathe, amazingly stylish and easy to clean... They make me look good in Mexico City... thank you..
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Au top! Légère confortable et tiennent chaud
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Et volem fer un regal
PaoloBellissimi PIX
Prodotto dai materiali di qualità con un ottimo design di una comodità ineguagliabile. Resistenti ma leggeri stupiscono anche nei colori...
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