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Best New Shoes
Most stylish and comfortable shoes I’ve had for along time. They certainly bring attention to your feet. Purchased different coloured toe caps to change the look of the shoes. Never had Camper shoes before - but I’ll definitely invest in more in the future.
Publicat originalment a Junction
Super confortable
Super confortable, légère, look sympa par le côté amovible pour un style fashion ou plus classique sans l'embout.
Publicat originalment a Junction
Ohne Kappen vielseitig zu tragen, ich lasse sie oft weg.
Publicat originalment a Junction
Modern Sports Junction
Cómodos e elegantes com um toque desportivo
Publicat originalment a Junction
Great pair of shoes!
Incredible pair of shoes Very high quality materials and leather Exceedingly comfortable!!! Seriously! Super comfy in sole, and the back heel cup doesn’t give me blisters which is huge Leather is very high quality and easy to clean I love the front rubber thing - super fun
Publicat originalment a Junction
very comfortable and versatile, really like them
Publicat originalment a Junction
Very comfortable, well fitted. I’m a huge fan of the blue elements 🐳
Publicat originalment a Junction
Et volem fer un regal
LauraMuy cómodos y bonitos
Son unos zapatos muy cómodos y bonitos. Ya es el segundo par que me compro. Me encantan.
Publicat originalment a Junction