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Peu pista ankle boots
Excellent boots, comfy, light and stylish. This works better for me than standard peu as the sole is more substantial
Extremely comfortable.
I measure 4.5 fans have broad feet. I bought size 4 and they are perfect. Love the elastic for adjustment to fit and zip for easy on and off. Love the rubber soles for the wet...gives such footsure walking. Great boots.!
Zapatos muy cómodos, los uso bastante
Comodidad y perfecto para días con lluvia
Publicat originalment a Peu Pista PrimaLoft® MICHELIN
Perfecto para paseos urbanos
Zapato comodo y calido, perfecto para paseos urbanos y outfits informales
Publicat originalment a Peu Pista MICHELIN
PEU Pista
PEU Pista che dire sono stupendissime... particolari nel loro modo di essere tra uno scarponcino, stivaletto scarpa da passeggio, insomma stupendissime!
Publicat originalment a Peu Pista MICHELIN
Guter Mix
Leichter Outdoor Schuh mit toller Passform, gut verarbeitet und in unaufgeregtem Stil, eine gute Wahl
Publicat originalment a Peu Pista MICHELIN
perfect for winter
Easy to put, keeping warm, i love them
Publicat originalment a Peu Pista MICHELIN
Et volem fer un regal
Ü.A.KAradığım rahatlık buymuş
Muhteşem rahat barefoot konforu saglanmis butun parmaklarim rahatca hareket edebiliyor asla sıkma sıkışma olmuyor. Tabaninin kalitesi, bilegi sarmasi muhtesem. Daha yeni kara çıktım son derece konforlu ve güvenli. Tek sorun giyerken zorlanıyorum, ama o da bilek darligindan kaynaklaniyor sanirim. Yine de muhteşem
Publicat originalment a Peu Pista PrimaLoft® MICHELIN