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Wonderful shoes
These are super comfortable and go with everything. I love them.
Publicat originalment a Peu Touring
Insanely comfortable, light and easy to complement to an array of outfits. I know this will be a travel go-to.
Publicat originalment a Peu Touring
bequemer und cooler Schuh
Der Schuh sieht gut aus, ist sehr leicht und bequem und gibt trotzdem Halt. Der seitliche Reisverschluss macht das Anziehen einfach. Man kann die Sohle rausnehmen und eine eigene (orthopädische) Sohle rein legen. Passt vom Stil her zu vielem - ich habe schon Komplimente für den Schuh bekommen.
Publicat originalment a Peu Touring
comodità e qualità
da sempre Camper offre le scarpe più comode del mondo, peccato solo che ha ancora pochi modelli senza pelle; queste lo sono e oltre a comode sono leggere, credo comprerò anche gli altri colori.
Publicat originalment a Peu Touring
Fantastically comfortable!!!
These are the 4th pair of Camper’s that I bought & I love them!!! No break in time at all & so very comfortable. I bought this pair, during my latest trip to London. I’ve bought 2 pairs in Italy & my 1st pair, I bought in Paris…I was hooked!!
Publicat originalment a Peu Touring
New favorite brand.
I love these shoes! This is my new favorite brand. They are extremely comfortable right out of the box.
Publicat originalment a Peu Touring
Et volem fer un regal
KateCamper shoe/boot
These are great lightweight shoes - brilliantly comfortable
Publicat originalment a Peu Touring