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150 €
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Scarpa ottima e molto comoda. Io porto il plantare e non mi è facile trovare un tipo di scarpa bassa con cui mi sento così a mio agio. Consiglio assolutamente
the perfect shoes
they are not only beautiful and eye-catching but also super comfortable. they may appear as heavy but are very light!
Super Schuh
Sehr schöner leichter Schuh. Es ist schon mein zweiter von der Modellreihe
Ursprünglich veröffentlicht am Pix
Shoes to get yo noticed.
Lightweight, stylish , comfortable. Wore them recently to a wedding, received plenty of compliments.
Stylish shoes
Very happy with the shoes - they are different.
Camper shoes
Excellent and the most comfortable shoes
Ursprünglich veröffentlicht am Pix
Comode e stilose
È soggettivo ma trovo il design design molto bello. Invece è oggettivo quanto siano comode e leggere
Ursprünglich veröffentlicht am Pix
Unser Geschenk für Sie
Chaussures confortables pour être début pendant longtemps
Ursprünglich veröffentlicht am Pix