How can I cancel my order if I change my mind?
You can cancel your order at any time, provided it has not already been dispatched. Please bear in mind that orders placed from Monday to Friday before 13h CET will dispatch on the same day. All remaining orders will ship on the next business day after they are placed. Orders shipped to Canada are dispatched every Tuesday and Friday
To cancel an order, go to Your orders and enter the order number and the email address provided when you placed it. The system will display the details of that order, and if the Cancel option is visible you can click on it to cancel the order. Once you have cancelled the order, you will receive confirmation by email. If this option is not visible on the screen, it means that your order has already been dispatched and cannot be cancelled.
You can also contact our Customer Service Department to cancel an order. Contact us
If the order has already left our warehouse, it cannot be cancelled, but you can return it once it has been delivered.
To cancel an order, go to Your orders and enter the order number and the email address provided when you placed it. The system will display the details of that order, and if the Cancel option is visible you can click on it to cancel the order. Once you have cancelled the order, you will receive confirmation by email. If this option is not visible on the screen, it means that your order has already been dispatched and cannot be cancelled.
You can also contact our Customer Service Department to cancel an order. Contact us
If the order has already left our warehouse, it cannot be cancelled, but you can return it once it has been delivered.
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