
Fostering inclusive Growth

The link with local entities provides us with an opportunity to address social and environmental issues within our community.

We are a family business and our values have been built over one hundred years. We are who we are thanks to the people and places that make up this community. This is especially true when it comes to our home, the Mediterranean island of Mallorca.

SaveTheMed Foundation

Since 2021, Camper has financially supported Save the Med's inspiring mission to regenerate the Formentor Peninsula in Mallorca.
The Formentor Peninsula, located at the northernmost tip of Mallorca, has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage since 2011. More than 20 habitats and 500 different species make it one of the richest underwater landscapes of the Serra de Tramuntana. 

Save the Med is a non-profit organization based in the Balearic Islands, dedicated to the regeneration of the Mediterranean Sea through a holistic and collective approach. You can join their newsletter here.

SaveTheMed Foundation

Mallorca Preservation Foundation (MAPF) aims to create a sustainable future for Mallorca, where the natural environment is protected and preserved and where the local community thrives in harmony with the environment. 

Camper collaborates with MAPF to foster regenerative agriculture practices in Mallorca, learn more about the project here.

SaveTheMed Foundation

Camper has a long-term, ongoing commitment with Esment in Mallorca, which provides education, training, and employment to people with learning difficulties and their families. See more about their inspiring work here.

Fundación Camper

The Camper Foundation is the philanthropic organization run by the Camper family. It was created in 2012 to support artistic, cultural, social and environmental initiatives especially amongst disadvantaged groups within society.

The Foundation reinforces and extends the values of the company but in an independent and purely philanthropic manner. These projects are mostly located in the Balearics, but not exclusively – the Foundation will try support actions where it can make a real difference.