1 / 6
133 €
190 €-30%
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Note moyenne des clients
1–8 of 174 CritiquesOrdonner par : De la note la plus élevée à la plus basse
Come sempre le scarpe Camper sono comodissime
Publié à l'origine sur Junction
Cool et confortable !
Super original et très confortable ! ;-)
Publié à l'origine sur Junction
By far the best camper shoe! I have almost all the collors and many od the caps to change on another. I always wait for a new color.
un altro bel colpo
comodissime, ben strutturate, sufficientemente calde.
Publié à l'origine sur Junction
Fantastica scarpa
Bella ed elegante oltre ad essere estremamente comoda
Publié à l'origine sur Junction
The most comfortable shoe!! Best design and so fashionable!!!
Publié à l'origine sur Junction
Belle e comode
Soddisfa appieno le aspettative: sono comode, leggere e il colore blu è perfetto
Publié à l'origine sur Junction
Notre cadeau d’anniversaire
CallamThese shoes are a no-brainer.
My Junctions have become an absolute staple in my wardrobe. They are both stylish and intensely comfortable. My wide feet have never felt so soothed while walking in a leather shoe before. They elevate any outfit and I receive so many compliments when I’m wearing them. 10/10.
Publié à l'origine sur Junction