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45 レビューを見る
* 残りわずか
1–8 of 45 レビューソート : 高評価から低評価へ
Soft leather, great shock absobtion. I like the wide space for the toes. Curious how the leather will shape with wear, since it is this soft…
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Passt auf Anhieb
Ein wunderbar leichter und bequemer Schuh für den Alltag im Sommer
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Nice one
Very comfortable and nice color. Love it
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Buena compra
Bonitos zapatos, son los que pedí. El modelo es práctico
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extraordinary comfortable to walk a long way both in the city and in the countryside
cute n comfy
cute n comfy, goes with many things! new camper fan
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Bequemer, strapazierfähiger Schuh .
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* 税込49,500円以上、かつバッグをご注文のお客さまが対象となります。
* なくなり次第終了となります。
AnonymousFidèle à Camper
Belle ballerine de la couleur que je cherchais.
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