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Güzel ve şık
Tam kalıp her zamanki camper numaranız rahatlıkla olur. Çok şık duruyor.
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Peu Terreno
I love these boots
The quality of the leather is excellent. Very comfortable and they look great
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Peu Terreno
Review for Peu Terreno
Perfect Shoe, well done with the design. I dont' believe that this shoe needed laces. It needed elastic laces and at a fixed tendency like the one you put in other models, Apart from that those laces are long and from nylon which result in getting loose after walking
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Peu Terreno
peu_terreno Farbe blau
Es ist ein bequemer Schuh, den man nicht leicht mit nur geöffneten Reißverschluss anziehen kann.
Deride potluk yapması
Giyimi ve tabanı rahat, bağcıların en alt kısımında potluk yapıyor ve ayakkabı şeklini bozuyor.
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Peu Terreno
Useless Zipper
The shoes are nice but the zipper is too short, should have either been along side laces or in the back. You have to untie the shoe to get it on anyway, so why have a zipper? I have camper shoes that have zippers that actually work, the Peugeot has one on the side and the tennis shoe on the back. perhaps these will loosen up. Poor design. Make sure the product parts meet their intended benefits….Try them on. See what you think
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Peu Terreno
Nasz prezent dla Ciebie
IsmaëlLa bottine parfaite!
Super confortable. Efficace pour les personnes avec une carrure de rugbyman. La fermeture éclair facilite grandement la vie!
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Peu Terreno